Feliz Y Duro

it takes two to tango

it takes two to tango ... life, life has awake
making you feel alone
time, won't let me forget
there i'm so far from home
in a world, where nobody seems to care
I turned around and saw you standing there
and i knew what wanted to know...

... Lost, lost in the crowd
nobody knows my name
bornt in two diferent worlds
somehow it feels the same
I wanna let you know
I feel the magic in the first hello
and I knew what I wanted to know,...

1 comentario

alma -

joooo,tengo que traducirla? que estoy malitaaa,tendrè que recurrir a mis escasos conocimientos del inglès o mejor echar mano de un diccionario a ver si me entero un beso,me vuelvo a la cama a ver si se me pasa la empanada mental que llevo,consecuencias del resfriado supongo (excusa recurrente,porque mi empanada mental ultimamente es permanente,jejeje)un beso,joe como me aburrooooo....